Wednesday, October 13, 2010


It's the first week of Term 4. Since it's term 4 now, it's sunhat term.Even though it's not really sunny. We don't have swimming until week 2. Everybody is back to normal with the Maths, the homework and the Writing. For the start of the term, we are just doing addition and subtraction for Maths. The independent math activities, we only have to go to one box because when there was three boxes, it caused utter chaos. The activities got all missing and the equipment got all mixed up and so did the activities. So, this term, we're having the activities all in one box. On Tuesday, we did a test of maths that are the same as the ones in our homework. It only had addition and subtraction. Mr Hornby told some strategies. Soon, there is going to be a Math-athon. It's going to be like a spelling bee only the Maths version of it. Although, it's only for the best math kids. I think we're in the same math groups as last term. For writing, we're doing recounts. Recounts are articles about something that has happened. Like a narrative, we use an orientation at the start with the who, the where and the when. The what comes last. Obviously, you should use a title at the very start. After the orientation, we start doing what happened. With the middle part, you use past tense words. Like 'said'. Finally, we put what we liked or who we would recommend this to. We also did a draft in our writing book about the goals we should achieve. When we finished, we had to do them on a piece of paper. We had to make it that it filled the whole page. To me, it was probably easier landscape. Some people did it portrait and Mr Hornby told us we could do it either landscape or portrait. We were also asked to add some colour. Just to make the presentation right. The Jump Jam system is where Kahakitea are doing Tuesday, Kauri are doing Wednesday and Kowhai are doing Thursday. My class decided to do songs that the school already knows and ones that you don't just stand around. We also go left first when we go on Jump Jam. If you go right on lead, then the rest of the school are going left.
On Monday, a new kid called Trae came into our classroom. He is now a new pupil of our class. He is also a year 5.
On Tuesday there was an artist teacher who taught Kowhai, Kauri and Kahakitea to draw a pukeko. I liked it because I am good at drawing. I can do better drawings at home, though. So, we had an early lunch. We're doing reading as normal though. With the plays and the 9 letter word. Mr Hornby says you should find the little words first. Eventually, you'll find the big word. One of the most biggest way everyone finds out about the 9 letter word is when someone gets it and tells their friend or they tell everyone a little clue then everyone just finds out. One of the main thing that counts about a nine letter word is obviously finding the 9 letter word. Another main thing is that you find all the little words as well.
Handwriting is basically the same too. We either do the writing off the blackboard or we get a handwriting card and do it off there. Some people in the class can do linking. Linking is only for professional handwriting and want to kick it up a no ch. The three main things to do in handwriting is Slope,Tidiness and on the line.
For news, we just do the normal stuff. Either about the holidays or anything that has happened. I normally just take a newspaper part for the news. Most children talk about what they've done in the holidays or just recently. Annaliese showed a painting of a horse and it was AWESOME! I'm better at shading art and 3D art. It'll be a while until I can master painting art.
Our values this term are Honesty and Compassion. Honesty is telling the truth. About something that you could have done. If you tell the truth, you could at least get it over with. If you lie, you have something that you have to keep a secret and you cannot hold lies in forever.
Compassion is being nice to others. And caring for others.
From Jasmine.

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