Thursday, September 23, 2010

WOW the term went fast
In the holidays it is my granddad's birthday its his 80Th birthday and where having heaps of people coming and I have to learn happy birthday on the guitar and on the first Monday of the holidays my favorite cuisine is coming she is called gemma we have heaps of fun with her she is staying for 11 days and we made up a rule that we are not aloud to call each other until Tuesday but its really tempting to pick up the phone and call her.
My Sister and I cant wait till she comes because we will set up the tent to sleep in and we've done it before and its SSSSSSSSSSOOOOOOO fun.
this time we might make a campfire and make some damper in it but its the first time and it sounds yuck but over all this holidays is going to be great


WOW the term went fast!!
In the holidays I hope we are going to Tapuo.If we do we will go to the hot pools and visit the geezers.We will also be staying in a 5star hotel.It will have a pool and a spa pool.
In the next week of holidays me and all my friends will be getting together and going to the movies and watching a good movie.After that my cousins and my family are going to get together and go out for lunch then my cousin Rebeeca will be able to saty the night by herself.

A couple of days ago there was a big earthquake in chrstchurch.No people were killed but one died of a heart attack after it had happened.There has been about over 200 after shocks.
In invercagill there has been a big snow storm.It has caused a stadium roof to collapse.
It fell 15 metres under snow.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010


Hello everyone.This week is the last week of the term!On Friday we are going to the hall to reflect on the term,class by class.In the holidays my family are going to Fielding to see my grandparents.I think I think I am also going to Napier at some stage.My guinea pig is going to give birth to some babies in the holidays,too.I can't wait for the holidays to come.This year is going so quickly.I hadn't got much more to say.I can't think of anything else that I haven't said yet.Oh wait,I just remembered I am going to go say goodbye to my Uncle because he lives with my grandparents and he's going to Christchurch in the holidays to stay at his mates.My other Uncle lives in Ashburton,but he said the only damage is in the town square.My Uncle booked to go to Christchurch before the earthquake hit.
I think I'm finished.


In the holidays I am going to my grandmas I hope and have a look at her beach house as well.I so want to go mountain climbing I just like the sport.I hope my big berother Alex woant ruin my fun that I hope to have.


Ethan P

In the holidays I have a hockey tourament in the first week in Stratford and our first game is against wellington and our second is against hawks bay I think.


In the holidays I might be going up north to see my uncles and anteys and cousins jacub and ryan.My gandma has a new dog called molly



Wow its almost the end of the term. Just three more sleeps to go and then its the holidays.
On the weekend there was a huge storm. The wind blew down trees everywhere and the power would keep turning off and on. The storm was so big that when i went to g for a walk outside, it would almost blew me over. In the holidays i am going up to my Poppy's In Waipukurau to spend time with him. We are ment to be going up to napier to go to lazer-force and then go to my poppy's friend's house. her name is Maggy. she is a good cook. Last time we went to her house we had a pavalova in a cup for pudding. well lets get back to the story at school. on wednesday we are going to another concert at lakeview school. I cant wait for the school holidays to come
By Jordan.


21st of September 2010
In the holidays me my sister and mum & dad are going to Auckland.Were going to be leaving on Friday & will be staying there till Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday.& Thursday we will be leaving because dad HAS to be at the doctors.Because of his arm


21st of September 2010
In the holidays it's my nannys birthday and she's turning 80 all of my cousin's and auntys are coming & I can't wait to see my cousin fliss she is my Idol she's like a sister to me. & my other cousin olivia ( livvy) and her 2 daughters Charlotte ( 5) Jess ( 3) and I can't wait it's on saturday th is saturday and I also can't wait until saturday.


This term has been rather busy.We have had our school production The River.I was the kiwi.We have also had boring normal days full of dreary work.At One Day Centre we have had our sharing evening.My project was about Enid Blyton and why her books were banned,and I dressed up as the old Saucepan Man,a character from.


This term has been really cool. Mr Hornby has been a good teacher. We had a production so some of the topics we did was Writing and Reading. We also did some art. We didn't do some topics like Maths. We didn't really do Math at all. Our production had lots of songs. Pearl's Mum did a backdrop for our production. It was awesome. She is a really good artist. This is the last week of the Term. On Monday, Mrs Slight taught us. We are back in to the normal topics. Like Maths. Some children are going to other places in the world in the holidays.

In the weekend, the wind was blowing. We had a power cut for a while. It flickered two times and then went out for a while. I spent most of my time during the power cut walking around the house and drawing. I started to try writing left handed. I had to use a torch to see what I was writing. Then, the power came back on. The power started working, but then it flickered a third time then stayed on for the rest of the night. During the power cut, a fire engine zoomed past our house.

In the Holidays, I am just going to do what I usually do in the weekend. I am going to watch 'The Nightmare before Christmas.'
I like watching it because there is lots of singing in it. I know most of songs of the by heart because I have watched it lots of times. I don't even need the music to sing half of them. If I had do to a singing competition, I would use one of the songs from that. I am also going to do lots of drawing. I am going to try and write left handed. It's kind of hard, but i'll eventually get the hang of it. Then, I will try to draw left handed. Finally, I am going to try and make a perfect picture left handed
Other than that, i'm not really going to do much in the Holidays.
In the holidays am going to go to the beach and i am going fishing as wall.We are going to wockertocey and i am going to play on the PS2 and i am going to play a car game and my favorite car is a Ka.


In the holidays I am moving . On Thursday dad and bailey are going to stay at the new house and Mum,Cruz,Savannah and I are on mattresses at the old house. On Friday we are all going to be at the new house. Tomorrow Mum and Dad are going to move the shed to the new house on Friday all the big things are going into the new house like fish tank,TV, draws,maybe the computer,freezer, and fridge on Friday all the small things will be moved and we will be in the new house.

After 3 days at the new house we will be having my dads nephews Tarshey and Rico they will stay for a night.

In the weekend I stayed at Sophies house the rain made the the toilet bubble and it flooded there back yard in the moning we played in the water there river had flodded and there horse was in water there cows were stuck on a little island were the river was. We went in there flodded area and found chicken eggs in the dog kennal

Saturday, September 18, 2010


As you might have seen in the news, there is a storm the size of Australia hovering over New Zealand.
In my opinion, I think that Australia shouldn't have been discovered because then we wouldn't have an Australia-size storm hovering over us (just tricking!)

This clip is of the storm at a low point in Masterton.


Friday, September 17, 2010


in the weekend my mum said that i was aloud a friend over for a play.we are going to play outside
watch scary movies and play on the computer thats all for now


Hi! Solway Primary School has finished their production. That was really hard to do! Last weekend there was a soccer tournament going on at the soccer field by the park.My Dad's soccer team,the "Wiararapa Funeral Services" were looking after the little children playing soccer.The production was hard to do and I was nervous.Next week is the last week of the holidays!Yay!

This september it is very wet there is supposed to be a storm tonight and it's going to be wild.


Today it is very windy because there is a storm the size of Aussie

Thursday, September 16, 2010


In the weekend I went to martinbrough.For motocross I got 2 2 2 I am coming 2 in the hole thing I get money If I get 2.Next round is in Wellington.


hi its mitchell again,
im so stoaked Adon is coming to my house tommorow we are going to play on the computer and watch movies.on sunday im going to church to watch my mate play bass for the band there.schools going well just the other day i was at masterkids for doing animations my partner was ethan.Im so exited about the holidays im going to america in 8 days we are going to los vagas,new york,buffilo and so many other places.

bye for now


Wow it's almost the end of term and I am so excited about the holidays.
The school production (the River) went spectacular.In the production I was a ferret.I thought I acted very well on stage.Everyone had a great time.We did all three shows in one piece!We had to alot of practises to get it just perfect.
On the 14th of september the taraua team went to MIS to watch the concert.It was amzing! I liked the micheal jackson dances and moves.That was cool.I also really liked the wearable arts. My favourite wearble art was the rubbish bag girl.
In the holidays my family and I are hopefully going to taupo for a week.We will go to the hot pools and I 'm aloud to take one friend with me.
Next term it will be really fun and I will have a great term with Mr Hornby learning together.
Have a good holiday Kauri!


Wow!!! It is finaly week 9 and nearly the end of the term. The school production went very well.
I got some new lines and practiced them with Mrs. Marshal. We did three shows and that was it.
For all that practice that was worth it. On tuesdaqy we went down to M.I.S to see their school
Consert. The show started around about 12:30 and then finnished at 1:55.
yesterday it was my birthday and I turned 11. I had a fun day yesterday at school because everyone was nice to me. Maureen got me a mini moro bar and a packet of blue bird chippies.
Next term It is going to be fun. This term is been very fun and I hope next term will too.
Mabe next term will be as fun id s this one.
As a year 6 I have a job at the school as a peer mediator. I go around the school solving problems
if any children have any! I work alot of other childern aswell. every friday we have a meeting
to see if we can improve on anything or to tell Mrs. Marshal who dissrespect's us in any way.
I think this has been the best year I had at solway and when I leave I will miss it.
By Jordan Clifton

Wednesday, September 15, 2010


The production is finally over we don't have any more rehearsals or shows.Term 3 has 2 weeks left. Yay!

Everything is going well.

My Nana and grandad came home from there 2 week holiday in Australia.they went on the wheal of Brisbane and when they got to the top a TV said what they were seeing.
Grandad showed me some photos of him and a koala. Also on the wheal of brisbane.

It is raining today and really cold we had mrs slight on tuesday and did number faces we did 12347810


The production is finally over. The DVD is almost ready. Term 3 has 2 weeks left.

Everything is going well.

I have finished my One Day Centre Sharing Evening project and the evening is tonight.
That means everything is going well at ODC too.

Our drama production is on in a month. Most people don't know there lines well.
That means not everything is going well at drama.

Oh, well. Everything else is right.
kiDZ-i is back in business as well as I have more time for it ith the production finished. You can keep checking it out, here.

And that's it from me today, here at Callum Riach the blog writer.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Production, Production, Production!

Hi Everyone.

As you can see in the title production pressure is rising!! The performances are this Wednesday and Thursday!
This Monday we went to St Matthews hall to have a technical rehearsal, to get to know the place before the dress rehearsal on Tuesday. I will have to miss out on 2 hours at ODC to go to it.

kiDZ-i The Web Show will be doing a production special next week so watch out for it on this link.

Thursday, September 2, 2010


This term is going fast. We get the rest the term without homework!
The Production is coming up and we have to practice and practice! We are getting feedback from the teachers and even the Principal so that helps us alot. We're not doing Jump Jam because we have to practice for the production. In the production, i'm a bird that flies around and hides. There are birds that talk and one particular bird that does funny parts. The funny bird is Kiwi. She does this funny stride.
We are still working hard in normal subjects. We mostly only have time for reading because the production practice starts at 9:10 am. There are songs and a taniwha! Our Production is called The River.
For art we did a taniwha. Some of us used our hot and cold colours like in Picasso art.
Last Friday we had daffodil day. The daffodil is still under our shade-sail


THE Production is coming up and we have to practise and practise till we have it perfect it is so hard to wait that LONG LONG LONG!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm a rodent and it's cool our costume is brown with white down the middle of the top i we have to act it out so it looks perfect i have to watch all the rest of the acts i get so Bored but it will be fun.


Wednesday, September 1, 2010


Hi everyone!I am doing a lot of work this week,frantically running around at home to finish off my costume.If you have forgotten,I am Keruru/Wood pigeon.I am trying to finish painting my mask,as it is made out of paper mache.We are doing a lot of narratives this term-oh,I forgot to tell you today is 1st of September,which means today is the first day of spring.Also,today I am going to a Science Road-show.My Friends went yesterday,so I'm basically the only one who is not going to go with a friend.My Dad is going to transport me to Grey town,along with three others.The Science Road-show is in Grey town.I have learnt all my lines from the script for the production.I have a lot of feathers,and we are collecting tail feathers,which have to be long.So far we only have three or four tail feathers.
TTFN-Taa-Taa For Now,